Your job application ghost writer

Save hours crafting tailored cover letters with the AI Chrome extension that writes like you do.

Available in the Chrome Web Store

Bookmark any job from the side panel

Tailored applications that cite your skillsets

Crafted in your personal writing style

Apply from the browser

  • Automatically analyse job listings from the extension side panel
  • Centralise your job search by saving job descriptions as you browse
  • Generate applications immediately and submit them without context switching
Analyse job adverts

Tailored to land that interview

  • Communicate your suitability by establishing clear links between your skills and the person specification
  • Analyse and plan your application's structure with autogenerated draft plans that can be easily edited for maximum control over Applai's output
  • Make persuasive and engaging impressions with thoughtfully structured writing that reflects a genuine enthusiasm in your unique writing voice

Crafted in your writing style

  • Many people already try to use chatbots to generate job applications, and employers can easily spot them! Applai can use samples of your prose to mirror your authentic writing style
  • Not just another GPT "wrapper" - Applai uses multi-agent generation topologies and reflective reasoning techniques to refine its output


What is Applai?

Applai is a Chrome extension that runs in the side panel. With it you can easily create tailored job applications such as cover letters whilst you browse, without leaving the context of a job page.

How does Applai tailor applications?

Applai uses your resume to understand your skills and experience. It then examines the job advert from the perspective of a recruiter - identifying key requirements, desired qualifications, and company culture. This analysis enables Applai to properly demonstrate why you're the ideal candidate, citing examples from your background and using persuasive techniques like STAR (situation, task, action and result).

How is Applai a "ghost writer"?

AI-generated content is often easy to spot (especially by recruiters) because it lacks the nuances and personal touches of human writing. Applai solves this by analysing your writing samples (e.g., past applications, blog posts, emails) to adapt its style, tone, and vocabulary, crafting applications that sound authentic to your unique voice.

Why not just use ChatGPT?

Applai employs advanced AI techniques like multi-agent reflection and Chain-of-Thought prompting to generate and refine applications, going beyond the simple one-shot prompt to ChatGPT to "write a cover letter for this job". This specialised approach ensures a more tailored and quality result.

Are tailored applications really more effective?

Generic, one-size-fits-all applications betray a lack of time and effort, are not persuasive, and are easily spotted by recruiters. By instead highlighting your specific qualifications and fit for the role, you demonstrate a deeper understanding of the position and company, giving your application an edge.

Is it just for cover letters?

No, Applai is capable of generating tailored responses for various application formats and prompts. Whether it's a traditional cover letter, or answering questions like 'Why do you want to work at X?', or any other custom application prompt, Applai can craft personalised and compelling responses to make you stand out.

Can I edit the generated applications?

Yes. Applai generates the initial application, you have full control to make any additional edits or modifications.


Bespoke and authentic job applications more likely to land that interview.

£3 /week

Generate bespoke cover letters with the AI side panel browser extension that understands your skillset

  • Generate cover letters specific to your resumé and job description
  • Bookmark jobs and manage applications as you browse
  • Generate up to 20 cover letters a week

most popular

£6 /week

Create authentic applications mirroring your unique voice, and unlock custom prompts for custom application questions.

  • Everything included in Basic
  • Upload your own writing samples for Applai to model your unique writing style
  • Use custom prompts to create any kind of job application, not just cover letters
  • Generate up to 60 applications or cover letters per week
£10 /week

Analyse your resume-job fit and get maximum control over the structure and content of your applications.

  • Everything included in Standard
  • Analyse and plan your application's structure with autogenerated draft plans
  • Edit drafts to add or remove specific information from the final application
  • Generate up to 120 applications or cover letters per week
  • Generate up to 120 draft plans per week
  • Unlimited number of draft plan edits
  • One-click job page analysis